mkm school

This village school up gradation project was part of the CSR initiative for ‘The Torrent Power Ltd,’ in Mehmadpur village in the Sabarkantha District of Gujarat.

The existing school had several problems. From ad-hoc additions to non-engineered expansions over thirty years, the building had suffered water damage and was in need of structural repair.

More importantly, the absence of toilets for girls in the school had compounded the drop out rate amongst girl students over time.

Designed and resurrected with a shoestring budget, a new lease of life was infused into this campus. Some of the initiatives that brought about the required change were mainly,

An Assembly hall for about 600 students with adjunct spaces for 400 students or more was the new insert on campus. This was also meant to work as a meeting hall for the local community, a general performance space for children.


mkm school, mehmadpur


mehmadhpur, banaskantha dist. gujarat

design team:

surendran aalone, jaydip jadwani


vms structural engineers

building area:

5,060 sq. ft.

completion year:


civil engineers:

psp engineers, ahmedabad

photo credits:

uday andhare

Girls & boys toilets: The low water use hygienic Eco- toilet model was adapted with great ventilation and a light court with vegetation that was fed by run off water from the hand wash sinks.

The toilets were fitted with a system for intermittent flushing and cleaning of floors. This ensured an odor free environment at all times.
An incinerator was also detailed as an adjunct to the girls toilet so as to dispose sanitary waste in the right manner.

Adjunct dining space for 75 students along with an area for utensils and drinking water.

A Rainwater harvesting system was planned for providing drinking water. The tanks were part of the foundation for the assembly hall but were not built.
We also conducted an orientation of the facilities built involving the teachers and students to ensure correct use, responsibility and upkeep through the CSR initiative of our clients.

Girls & boys toilets: The low water use hygienic Eco- toilet model was adapted with great ventilation and a light court with vegetation that was fed by run off water from the hand wash sinks.

The toilets were fitted with a system for intermittent flushing and cleaning of floors. This ensured an odor free environment at all times.
An incinerator was also detailed as an adjunct to the girls toilet so as to dispose sanitary waste in the right manner.

Adjunct dining space for 75 students along with an area fo. . .
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